0118 942 8632 sjtilehurst@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk


Ministers of the Eucharist

Special Ministers of the Eucharist serve at all Masses and those in the community who are sick, housebound or in hospital.
People wishing to join the team undertake an initial training programme, and refresher sessions once they have been commissioned.  Contact  :  Ann Epps 0118 941 1479; ann@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk.


There is a rota of readers for Sunday Masses and special masses.  Please contact the Parish office to join the rota


Teams of volunteers welcome worshippers at Sunday Mass.  If you are interested in joining them, please ask any welcomer or contact the Parish Office

Altar Servers

Boys and girls who have made their first Holy Communion are welcome to apply to be altar servers.  It is important that it’s the child’s own decision.  Training sessions are arranged at regular intervals.  Contact:  Parish office

Church Cleaning and Flower Arranging

Flowers:  The church is regularly decorated with fresh flowers, except during Advent and Lent. Flowers are usually changed on Saturdays.  If you are able to help, or would like to discuss flowers for a wedding at St Joseph’s, please contact Brigid Parkes 0118 942 7436 brigid@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk.  In order to give people some idea of prices for flowers at weddings, arrangements can be made for these to be supplied from a cost of £15.00 - £150.00.

Cleaning:  Teams of Parishioners clean the Church on a rota basis each week. Volunteers are always welcome to help in this important ministry.  Contact:  Parish Office:  0118 9428632


A group meets on Thursday mornings from 8.30 am – 11.15 am during term time in the hall and provides an informal forum for parents/carers with young children to relax and to have a cup of tea/coffee.  
Contact:  Kathy Weafer  0756 156 3484; kathy@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk.


The St Vincent de Paul Society (“SVP”) is an international Christian voluntary organization dedicated to tackling poverty and disadvantage by providing direct practical assistance to anyone in need. 
Contact:  Rita Boyce rita@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk


Mass cards, and cards to mark Baptism, Ist Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage are available at the repository in the porch each Sunday after the 8.30 am and 10.30 am Masses.  A selection of other items, including Rosaries, statues, books and pictures, is also on sale.  In the weeks before Christmas, cards, cribs and Advent calendars also go on sale.  If you would like to join the rota of people who serve at the repository, please contact: Eileen Hopkins: Tel. 9677958 eileen@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk


Newsletters are available at weekend masses. Please take one and read it!   You can also opt to view the newsletter on the website or join the mailing list to receive it by email.  Items for inclusion in the newsletter must be submitted to the Parish Office by 9am on Thursday.  Contact:  Parish Office  0118 942 8632


Couples who want to marry should first contact the priest at the church where they want the wedding to take place They should do this at least 6 months in advance.  Couples are asked to take part in a marriage preparation course.   To enquire about getting married at St Joseph's, please contact the parish office   01189 428632


Parishioners from both St Joseph’s and English Martyrs have been attending a small meditation group for more than 20 years.  The group meets weekly on Monday evenings.  If you would like to join them for this form of prayer, please contact Chris Knollys 0118 958 8407

First Holy Communion

The parish runs a programme for children in year 3 and above. It is advertised before the end of each Summer Term, and it is essential that children are registered before the deadline in October. Catechists run sessions in the church hall on Saturdays in term time. There are also special celebration Masses on Sundays as well as regular parents’ evenings during the programme. First Holy Communion is usually celebrated in May. Contact Office: 0118 942 8632    Parish Office

Choirs and Music

The choir sings at 10.30 mass and meets for practice regularly. New members are always welcome.  If you would like to join, contact Geoff Collier 0118 941 2458 geoff@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk or come and meet us at Sunday 10.30 mass.

Children’s Liturgy: at Sunday 10.30 mass

Children aged between 3 and 11 have the chance to leave the church for the first part of the 10.30 Sunday Mass for a short session tailored specially for them.  Through readings, discussion and other activities, they are helped to understand the message of the day’s Gospel passage.  They return to Church in time for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  Older children are welcome to help.  We always need new leader and adult helpers and welcome all volunteers. Adult helpers need to be DBS checked.  We can help with this.  Please contact the parish office:  0118 942 8632


Parents seeking baptism for their child/children are required to attend a baptism course prior to the baptism.   Please contact the Parish Office

CAFOD: Catholic Fund for Overseas Development

To support Cafod’s anti-poverty campaigns please use the envelopes in the porch at St Joseph’s  and add it to the ordinary collection at Mass on Sundays or drop it into the office.  For details of the current campaign and other information see   https://cafod.org.uk/


The third order of Carmelites is a lay order of the Church, whose members, after some years of preparation, commit themselves to helping others, regular Mass attendance, prayer and religious study.  About 18 members meet at St Joseph’s following 10 am Mass on the 1st Saturday of every month for spiritual renewal and guidance, finishing at 3 pm.  If you are interested in joining them contact: 
Florence Bardos 0118 947 5215. florence@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk

Donations and Collections

The main collection during mass is for the parish.  Donations can be made via cash in the collection plate,  cheque, contactless card machine in the porch, standing orders and bank transfers.   Information on how to make donations online can be found on the Home page of the website.

The parish encourages parishioners to setup standing orders where possible to give us a reliable source of income and to sign up for Gift Aid so that we can reclaim income tax.  We also welcome the use of planned giving envelopes, so people can decide in advance how much they should be giving, rather than searching at the last minute for whatever they might find in their purse or pocket.    If you would like a set of planned giving envelopes or have any questions, please contact the parish office

Collections on Christmas Day and Easter Sunday are for the priest.  Second collections throughout the year are for Cathedral, CAFOD, Bamenda, Catholic Education Service, Apostleship of the Sea (Stella Maris), World Communications, Peter's Pence, World Mission, Home Mission, Clergy Assistance,  Clergy Training, Day for Life.     Donations to these funds can be made on the card machine or collection plate at the appropriate time, or at anytime via bank transfer or a clearly marked envelope.

Rise theatre


We are passionate about the work we do in schools, churches and communities and in this current climate of uncertainty and fear it is our vision to continue to spread the good news of our Christian faith with people of all ages and backgrounds through original Holy Spirit inspired theatre   https://www.risetheatre.co.uk/risefundraiser


We have hi-res short dramatic SKETCHES on a'pay what you like'basis to be used in church live online streaming or personal prayer time. Please prayerfully consider making a one-off donation to allow RISE Theatre to continue & help spread the good news. For a taster of one of our sketches, here is the YouTube link (low-res):   Spiritualeyes

May God bless and protect you and your families at this time.Stephen Newbury (St Josephs) & Charley and the RISE team x

Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation)

Saturday at 5pm (before 5.30pm Vigil mass).  In addition, confessions are heard during penitential services in Advent and Lent


Candidates for the Sacrament of Confirmation should be at least 11 years old.  The Confirmation ceremony takes place every 2 years during Easter time. If you are in year 7 or above and are interested in being confirmed, please send your contact details to Sue or the parish office.  Next programme starts January '25 for Confirmation in Easter 2026 (TBC).     Contact:  Sue Collier: sue@st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk


Volunteers count the money put into the basket during the offertory at Sunday Mass.  If you can spare a little time on Sunday to help, please contact the parish office


St Joseph’s takes part in various joint activities with other churches in the area, including Bible study groups in Lent, Good Friday Walk of Witness, the Women’s World Day of Prayer, Wednesday prayer groups and social evenings with St Catherine’s Anglican church and events organised by Regenerate, an initiative to spread the Christian message in the Reading area.  Events are publicised on the notice board and in the newsletter.  See HOME page for newsletter.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is celebrated each Saturday: 9.30 – 10 am

Finance Committee

Members are appointed by the Parish Priest to use their professional expertise to advise him on financial matters.  Chairman:  Bernard Jennings    Parish Office

Gift aid

If you are a taxpayer, you can greatly increase the value of every pound you give to the church, simply by filling in a form.  It costs you nothing, and you do not have to commit yourself to any future payments.  For the church, it means an extra £25 for every £100 in the collection.  If you are not already on Gift Aid, please contact the Parish Office 0118 942 8632.  Parish Office

Garden and Grounds

Volunteers maintain the gardens and grounds outside and behind the Church.  The main work is grass cutting, leaf sweeping, pruning and looking after the flower beds.  If you are able to help with any of this, please contact the parish office

Parish Halls

The two halls are used for a wide range of church and outside activities.  The Hall Manager is Carmen Ibanez-Mate 0118 962 4174.  She is responsible for the building and equipment.  To book or hire either the small or the large hall, contact the Parish Secretary 0118 942 8632.  Parish Office

Health and safety

If you are concerned that something is not safe at St Joseph’s, contact Health and Safety officer via the Parish Office

Home visits

If you or someone you know would like to receive Holy Communion at home, or be visited for any other reason, contact:  St Joseph's Parish Office


This area has strong links with LIFE, the national pro-life charity which provides alternatives to abortion by offering compassion, emotional support and practical help.  A LIFE house in Bracknell, accommodating 7 mothers and their babies, looks to the Reading branch for support.  Contact Kathie Hamilton, tel. 0118 9429245

Mission boxes

Many homes in the area have one of the famous "Red Boxes" to collect contributions for the work of overseas missionaries (the APF).  If you would like a box, or have one overdue for collection, contact:  
Mike Tomas 0118 941 2786 or the parish office


Parish Priest:   Email: sjtilehurst@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk
Contact:  0118 942 8632.

Youth Group

Coming Soon:

Tea/Coffee: Sundays after mass

Worshippers are invited for tea, coffee, biscuits and soft drinks in the large hall after the 10.30 am Sunday Mass.  We welcome volunteers to help once/month.  Donations go to Divine Mercy centre in Bamenda.  Use cash or card machine in porch.

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