0118 942 8632 sjtilehurst@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk

Our Vision & Mission

St Joseph's News

*Donations*   Please click DONATE.  More options below.

Service Times:
Sunday:         Vigil Mass Sat 5pm,  Sunday Mass 8.30am and 10.30am.   (10.30 am mass has Children's liturgy)
Monday:        Mass at 10am
Tuesday:       Mass at 10am
Wednesday:  Mass at 9.30am
Friday:           Exposition at 6pm. Mass at 7pm
Saturday:      9am: Rosary and Exposition.  Mass at 10am followed by confessions.

Lent and Easter
Stations of the Cross: Fridays at 6.30pm
Penitential Service:  Wed 9th April: 6.30pm
Maundy Thursday: 17th April: 8pm
Good Friday: 18th April: Stations outside self-lead 9.30am-10.30am (weather permitting.  Stations in church 11am followed by Walk of Witness. Solemn Liturgy 3pm (children in hall from 2.45pm.
Holy Saturday 19th: Easter Vigil at 9pm (no 5pm mass)
Easter Sunday 20th:  8.30am and 10.30am (no Sat 5pm vigil)

Join CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk in the Jubilee Year.  Sign up here: https://walk.cafod.org.uk/

CAFOD Family Fast Day collection in CAFOD Jubilee Year. You’ll be supporting communities experiencing the impacts of war, poverty and climate change to find solutions and hope. Use the CAFOD envelope in church, donate online at cafod.org.uk/envelope or call us on 0303 303 3030. You can also text CAFODLENT to 70085 to donate £10.

Live Stream:  This parish livestreams 10.30 am Sunday Mass and special Masses. Please see notices in the church for details.  Watch live on YouTube

Please watch online and stay home if you feel unwell in any way.


New Parisioner Registration Form:  Click

Newsletters: below.  Parishioners: click to receive newsletters via email

Sunday Offering, Special Collections, Donations Please click DONATE for information on the best way to make donations.  Donations can also be made here but please note that there is a 5% admin fee.  Please mark donations clearly as: Sunday or specific Special Collection.  To request/pay for a mass of intention, please contact the office.

Closer To Christ:  Diocesan Fundraising Campaign for St Joseph's. Click for more information

Foodbank and Drop in Centre:  Collection crate in porch.  Please check newsletter for items currently needed.  Donations can be made by standing order, envelope or bank transfer to the Parish Office - please mark clearly that donation is for Foodbank.

Parish Office is open Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9am to 12.30pm.   Phone: 0118 942 8632  Email: sjtilehurst@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk

Elderly/Housebound: contact Rita Boyce SVP

Link to: St. Joseph's facebook page


Welcome to St Joseph's

Welcome to St Joseph's Catholic Church located in Tilehurst, Reading.     Our Parish is very blessed to have generous parishioners and volunteers who have wholeheartedly offered their gifts to the Lord and to the parish In the name of the Christian community of St Joseph's Church.  Young people's participation is a priority and the Church has a strategic role in developing and supporting our children and youth.  We are proud to be a discipleship parish where every member can grow as a disciple of Christ through our many ministries and faith formation opportunities.  We invite you to come worship with us and make St Joseph's Church, your spiritual home. Our primary school is St Paul's: http://www.stpauls.w-berks.sch.uk/



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St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Reading, UK        © Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth 2023 | Registration number: England Registered Charity No. 1199568 | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy.

Mass Schedule


8.30 am & 10.30 am


10 am


10 am


9.30 am




7 pm


5 pm (Vigil) Mass

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